

This part of my website will be about creatures that are not gnomes, but are like gnomes.

First of all, there is the dwarf. Dwarves are short, but taller then gnomes, probably about 3 feet tall. They have long beards and live underground. They love treasure, and are miners by trade. They are commonly mistaken to be gnomes themselves. All dwarves have beards. They have no conical hats and are of a different nature all together then gnomes.

I will now tell you about leprechauns. Leprechauns are small, short men with red or brown beards. They wear all green and are associated with shamrocks. Many believe they are cobblers.

Domovoy/Domovoi/Domovoj are household spirits in Russia. The usually look like little old men, but can take the form of cats, dogs, bears, or even a resident of the house they reside in. They are generally good natured, but can start throwing things if angered.