Garden Gnomes - A History of Our Concrete Gnomes
About Gnomes
Forest Gnomes
Dune Gnomes
Garden Gnomes
House Gnomes
Farm Gnomes
Siberian Gnomes
Creatures Like Gnomes
Marsh Gnomes
Welcome! This website will be about gnomes - their history, their habits, and more. Gnomes are incredibly intelligent creatures, with a deep history. They are, essentially, tiny humans - about fifteen centimeters high when they are full grown, weighing anywhere from 275-300 grams. As babies, they are 4-6 centimeters, and as children, 6-14. Their lifespan is 400 years, but there are cases where gnomes live longer then this, as with any species. Because of their long life, infancy lasts 12 years. When they are born, a tree is planted, and once the tree is large enough, they carve their age in it. Gnomes often times live under their birthday tree. Gnomes only ever give birth to twins, and each gnome only has children once. Gnome pregnancy lasts one year. Here is a description of a gnome on Wikipedia. National Gnome Day is celebrated on June 21st (though some people celebrate it on June 10th).
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